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What do therapy and sports have in common? Many benefits.

Many people wonder how can therapy, or talking to someone really help them This article aims to outline some of the many benefits of therapy. First, therapy is confidential, which is one of the benefits of speaking with a therapist or counselor. You can count on your therapist to maintain your information confidential . The exceptions to this are if you are in immediate harm and danger to yourself, or others, or you report child abuse. Otherwise, what you share remains private between you and your therapist. This can be comforting to many people, to know that their personal information will remain private. What are some of the other benefits of therapy? There are many, but here are a few;

  • Gaining a better understanding of yourself, your goals and personal values

  • Attaining personal growth and healing

  • Improving self- esteem, self- awareness and self confidence

  • Developing skills and insight for improving your relationships

  • Discovering new ways to solve problems in your relationships, family or marriage

  • Improving communication and listening skills

  • Learning new ways to cope with anxiety and stress

  • Learning coping skills to deal with a variety of emotional states

  • Managing depression, grief, anger, loss, and other emotional pressures

  • Changing old behavior patterns and developing new ones

  • Finding resolution to the issues or concerns that led you to seek therapy

Some people are afraid that "therapy is for crazy people". This is simply not true. As you can see from the benefits outlined above, attending therapy can be a sign of strength or personal growth. Some therapists are very much like coaches. Just as athletes need a coach to stay in shape and be at the top of their game; a therapist can be a coach to keep you mind, heart and relationships at the top of their game.

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